There are over two million maps in the National Library of Scotland’s (NLS) map collection. Many of the earliest maps that survive were drawn up on behalf of the church and served a reconnaissance, administrative, economic or resource purpose. “However, it’s the rich legacy of Scottish military maps over the last five centuries that NLS senior map curator Christopher Fleet will be specifically uncovering when he gives a Winter Words 2019 Literary Lunch session at Pitlochry Festival Theatre on February 17.”
The talk with have four main themes: 1) How Scotland’s enemies changed over time, 2) The evolution of military technology, 3) Examination of Scotland’s military geography, and 4) How Scotland’s military maps show more, or less, of the world than other maps. “All of these maps consciously or unconsciously choose only certain things to be represented on the map.” [Source:] Sounds like a fascinating exploration of how maps changed the course of Scotland’s history!