Old Survey Maps Get A New Life – 2/13/19

Scott Reinhard is a graphic designer with a cool idea: turning vintage survey maps into 3D relief maps. Using elevation data from the United States Geological Survey he creates 3D elevations of the topography, then merges the data with the vintage designs of the old maps. “The US Geological Survey created maps starting in the 1800s not only to aid industry, but as educational tools for tourists and students. As such, it tried to make them as accessible as possible through the use of color and other touches. Reinhard has taken that idea to its logical next step by incorporating true 3D that lets mountains and other objects cast shadows, adding to the realism and making them more engaging. His 3D map of Yellowstone Park, based on a preliminary 1878 geological survey, is particularly engaging. You can buy high-quality prints of his Chromogenic prints that use traditional color photography development, on his website.” [Source:]