Milwaukee – Bird Treasures


The Urban Ecology Center approached me to create an illustrated map of 10 of the most memorable bird species that visit the Greater Milwaukee area:

  1. Bald eagle
  2. Snowy owl
  3. Common tern
  4. Red-breasted merganser
  5. Baltimore oriole
  6. Scarlet tanager
  7. Eastern meadowlark
  8. Sora
  9. Magnolia warbler
  10. White-throated sparrow

Whether endangered, threatened, rare or just difficult to spot, the UEC encourages everyone to treasure these species while they are still around. Every May since 2010, the Urban Ecology Center of Southeastern Wisconsin has sponsored the Green Birding Challenge, a friendly competition that encourages everyone to get outside to explore the wonders of resident and migratory birds in Milwaukee. This map will be printed as a poster and auctioned off to raise money to help support the mission of the UEC: “We connect people in cities to nature and each other.”

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