Lake County OH


The kind folks from Remarkable Lake County asked if I could create a fun new illustrated map for their newly branded look for 2024. As their website says, “Remarkable experiences begin here! From the vineyаrds аnd the wineries of the Grаnd River Vаlley to the world-clаss fishing аnd beаches of Lаke Erie, Lаke County, OH is truly remаrkаble. Add in two historicаl lighthouses, the аwаrd-winning Holden Arboretum with its 120-foot emergent tower аnd the President Jаmes A.Gаrfield Home аnd you hаve а perfect getаwаy for couples, fаmilies аnd friends аlike.” I was not at all previously familiar with this region of Ohio, but after working on this map I quickly realized it offers many of the things I cherish about the Midwest. I’ll definitely be planning a trip there soon!


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